
Sunday, April 30, 2017

Combat The Effects Of Age creeps up on us all. We wake up one day and our body seems like it's going downhill fast. We've all been taught that creaky joints, low energy, ED, low libido, thinning hair, and heart and blood issues are more-or-less the natural result of getting older.

Old age and the associated poor health symptoms are simply the result of an overall low energy condition that has slowly accumulated over several decades. People who maintain their energy stores don't slow down in old age. There are plenty of folks in their 80s and 90s still going strong. Our energy stores (deep stored energy or stamina) slowly drain out over time because we eat low energy foods, use substances and engage in activities that drain it. We barely let any energy build up at all and then dissipate it through some type of non-supportive substance abuse or activity strictly for pleasure. After many years of this behavior, we become addicted to it and our condition begins to deteriorate rapidly.

All the low quality food and energy dissipating substances and activities slowly compromise our organs and autonomic systems. Their strength is reduced, and as a result we get sick easier, take longer to heal, our bones become brittle, and our arteries clog up. Our entire personal energy envelope is drastically reduced and can't protect us anymore.

It is possible to turn this condition around. The process takes a long time to see results, but it works. I'm not saying we all will be returned to the perfect health and vitality of our youth, but it will enable us to regain 10 - 20 years of our past energy level depending on the extent of any irreversible damage our habits have caused.

The main concept is that our energy stores can drop so low we have no reserves to prevent damage or maintain our body properly. It's mostly felt in our reduced stamina and cardio-vascular performance, and visually seen in lack of muscle tone and reduced muscle mass (the heart is also a muscle). The muscles are an indication of the condition of our deep stored energy or stamina. As we get older, we are less physically active, our energy intake drops off (because we don't need it to be physically active), our muscles shrink, and our stored energy level is drained. It's a vicious circle of slow physical and mental decline.

In order to reverse this condition, we must eliminate the energy lowering foods and substances, and start consuming energy (muscle) building alternatives. The next step is to replace the energy dissipating activities with physical and mental exercise that will contribute to increased energy storage. We must mentally and physically retrain ourselves to want to hang on to our energy long enough for it to build our body's muscles back up.

By the time we find ourselves in this poor physical shape we are usually addicted to some form of energy dissipating activity such as smoking, drinking, eating sweets, drug use, or sitting on our ass at the office or in front of the TV all day. By replacing those dissipating activities with an exercise program, coupled with eating higher energy foods, we can build up our energy stores once again. Exercise deposits the energy back into our body as muscle, with increased stamina, physical ability, and a refreshed mental state as a result.

It's tough to get started exercising at first because we must have enough extra energy to want to, so that portion of our rehabilitation must start out very small. Start with a few calisthenics at night before bed, or in the morning, and gradually work up to more strenuous activities. Stronger foods (animal products and or protein supplements) must be consumed and energy depleting foods eliminated in order to create the desire to exercise.

Once we begin to experience increased energy through our diet changes, we will be tempted to dissipate it through those substances and activities we are addicted to. We must resist this inclination in order to be successful in our attempt to increase our energy storage capacity. When we get those cravings we must resort to exercise or some form of mental discipline (meditation for example) to control our dissipating urges and allow the energy to be held onto and stored.

Our ligaments, lungs, and heart will rebel against what we are trying to do so we must take it slow. We may damage our muscles or ligaments with over exertion. This can be mitigated by taking omega 3 fatty acid and turmeric supplements, and through support of a chiropractor or physical therapist. Care must be taken to ensure that our heart and circulatory system are in good enough shape to embark on this improvement project. They might need some extra help in case our diet over the years has coated our arteries with plaque and cholesterol. Consider taking some herbal supplements (there are formula that will eliminate plaque and cholesterol and lower blood pressure) or see a medical doctor for tests and medication that will help with this. Our improvement program will not work if our blood system is so clogged that oxygen and nutrients can't be distributed properly to the muscles or we give ourselves a stroke because of arterial blockages.

It may take up to a year or two of gradual effort to be able to see the progress, but the rewards are well worth it in greater physical ability and self esteem, fear reduction, and an increase in our overall enjoyment of life.

Monday, April 17, 2017

Insect Bites

Bugs...biting, buzzing, crawling, itching, little nuisances. A whole universe of tiny diversity that all seem like they want to take a little chunk of us with them. In doing so, they leave us with various reactions: irritated skin, red itchy bumps, swelling, pain, and general discomfort. Since the insects aren't going away, we should look at what we can do to ourselves that might reduce our suffering.

A bite can leave behind bacteria, viruses, and various insect bodily fluids. Our main defense is a strong immune and regenerative system that can quickly process these harmful and irritating vectors and eliminate them from our body. We must provide our body with a sufficient quality and quantity of energy to enable it's systems to do their job properly and quickly.

Ever wonder why some people don't seem to be affected adversely by bug bites? Its all about our energy quality and level. Those of us who maintain a high energy level, and don't load up on poor quality, chemical laced foods can avoid discomfort from bug bites far more often than those of us who don't.

Eliminate foods and substances that lower your energy (sweeteners, fruit, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, recreational drugs, excessive sexual activity, etc.) and eat more energy raising foods such as whole grains and meat. Also, consider eliminating highly processed foods with chemical additives as our body uses energy to eliminate these foreign substances that it could be using to strengthen the immune system.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Alternative Medicine

Using alternative medicine can seem like a suicidal dive off a cliff onto the rocks below. Successful use of alternative medicines and practices is all about making something real in your mind that wasn't before, and using something new when your health and/or life is on the line.

The term alternative medicine is a misnomer. The bulk of what is currently called alternative medicine is actually far older than Western medical science and provided 100% of the medical care for at least tens of thousands of years up until the mid twentieth century. In that perspective, mainstream medicine is actually the alternative medicine.

The problem with mainstream use of alternative medicine (herbs, crystals, muscle testing diagnosis, healing touch, diet change, etc.) is that you can't patent it, control the use of it, or corner the market on the profit made from it as its available to anyone to go out and harvest, dig up, or learn how to do. Somebody realized that human disease and suffering is a gold mine of potential profit, and in order to harvest those profits one has to control access to medicine and medical procedures, convince the general public that the freely available sources of healing don't work, and pass laws to make their use illegal. This is normal capitalist procedure applied to human suffering...acceptable when you are talking about commodities and widgets, but not acceptable when you are talking about human life.

Everyone is born with the authority to keep themselves healthy with anything that will help. We are taught to give that authority to certified professionals, corporate drug manufacturers, and the government. Take it back.

Monday, April 3, 2017


Does it seem like everybody around you is getting cancer? Worried about getting it? I saw a news article last week where medical scientists are now saying some forms of cancer are inevitable. That is a really sad outlook on life. Inevitable is not the correct term to use. We all have cancer, it's natural for the body to develop cancer, we just don't have to die from it if we pay attention to the signals our body gives us. Our immune system can successfully eliminate cancer cells if we keep it strong by eliminating the food we eat, the substances we expose ourselves to, and the activities we engage in that diminish it. There are inexpensive blood tests that can show the level of what are called cancer markers. These markers indicate the presence of cancer cells and tumors. If you have too many markers in your blood then you can take action to reduce them and keep the cancer from getting so strong you can't fight it. Whether you choose to use chemo and radiation therapy or alternative medicine to fight cancer the key is early detection. Western societies are awash in cancer causing substances in our food, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the clothes on our back. We must pay attention and take action when required if we don't want to become another cancer casualty.