

Q: I couldn't finish your book, it made me feel like I was living in a hopelessly sick place. What are you trying to do writing stuff like that?
A: Many people find my book a hard read because it exposes how far we have come in turning a paradise into a deadly, greedy, diseased existence. We can't ignore it much longer and hope to survive as a species. My (and others like me) purpose is to contribute to the process of turning our self destructive habits around to begin constructing a supporting environment (internally and externally) in order for our children to have a healthy life. 

Q: Is turning Vegan to avoid harm to animals a bad thing? You seem to advocate eating meat, why?
A: Being completely Vegan from a food consumption point of view can be a bad thing for some people. Consuming animal products provides a level of energy and support not possible with plant based foods. Some people (based on their innate energy pattern, geographical location, and current health condition) need animal products to survive. I advocate omnivorous eating habits based on individual needs as they change throughout time and location.

Altering how one eats based solely on a mental/philosophical concept can be destructive to your body as well as a positive healing influence. The trick is to know when one’s mental stance is causing harm and letting go of it.

Q: What's a fast way to show myself how your energy idea works? I really don't want to go through the trouble of writing down what I eat for a month.
A: Using the food log charts is the best way to get started as it gives you a good snapshot of the condition of your stored energy. The state of your stored energy is going to control how fast your energy is affected by simply altering your diet or trying something quick. If you have a large amount of stored energy (as you probably do since you are exhibiting low patience by wanting to do something quickly) it may take a few weeks to see any results from an experiment to lower your energy. Conversely, if your energy is very low it may take considerable time to build it up. The food charts help you to mentally prepare for the extended time it may take to effect change.

To answer your question though, you can try cutting out all animal products (including dairy and eggs) and salt in order to see the quickest results from lowering your energy. On the other side, you can try eating nothing but animal products (eliminate all other foods, substances, and sex for a few days) to see the effects of high energy.

If you are a vegan, try eliminating all grain products and just eat all vegetables or fruit for a picture of lower energy. For the higher energy side, a vegan will have to eat nothing but whole grains (oatmeal for example) and eliminate all energy lowering substances and activities such as alcohol, drugs, caffeine, tobacco, sweeteners, and sex.

Q: Why should I try any of your methods if I can just go to the doctor and get what I need?
A: If you can get what you need, can afford it, and are happy with the results, you should. Trying to do it yourself is not easy. However, not everybody has a good experience with mainstream medical doctors nor can everybody afford their treatments. My book is meant to introduce the reader to (at the very least) the concept of affordable and effective alternative health care.

Q: What can meditation actually do for me?
A: Meditation allows you to be comfortable and secure with yourself, those around you, and your life in general. It allows you to make good decisions, reduce stress, be mind-full and focused at all times, feel like you are part of the universe, be in control of your emotions, see the future, read minds, sense danger and those who intend you harm, increase your strength and vitality, develop your intuition, and travel outside your body. You can use meditation to separate from the material world or get more out of the experience of it. What meditation can do for you is only limited by what you desire and the particular path of life you are on.

Q: In using physiognomy, how do you tell the difference between normal nose features and what represents heart trouble?
A: Sometimes its easy to see impending heart problems in a nose (Jimmy Durante for example) and not so easy to the untrained eye in others (John Candy for example). Ethnic background, genetic differences, age, and plastic surgery can all affect a proper diagnosis. The best way to see if a nose is indicating issues is to compare early photos of a person with how they are at the present time. What you are looking for is not the comparative size of one nose to other noses, but how one nose has changed over time. If the tip of the nose on either side swells at all, it is indicative of a number of possible heart issues.

Q: If sugar is so bad for you, why does the government allow it to be used?
A: The quick answer is profit. There are many organizations trying to call attention to the hazards of unbridled sugar consumption. Here are a few links with great information:,,,

Q: Does sex really depress the immune system? I find that hard to believe.
A: After forty-five years of experience, I can confidently say it does. Of
course, everybody is different and their experiences will vary greatly as to the severity of the symptoms. A twenty-something-year-old may not notice it at all due to their youthful high energy, but as we age it will become more pronounced. Most forms of ED in men and low libido in women are results of this phenomenon. Low energy depresses the immune system and lowers the libido. Both conditions are easily remedied by eliminating energy lowering foods, eating more animal products, and refraining from sexual activity for a period of time.

Q: I ate a hamburger the other day because I was feeling a little run down and the next day I was plugged up and snotty. I thought eating meat would have stopped that from happening. What happened?
A: There are two things to consider in a situation like you describe: 1) a hamburger is a complex meal consisting of many ingredients, one of which is meat; and 2) our various internal systems have their own independent energy levels.

A hamburger generally has two high energy components: meat and salt. These can easily be outweighed by the low-energy components: bun with sugar, condiments with sugar, tomatoes, lettuce, pickles (vinegar and sugar), and the fat in the meat (ground beef is generally high in fat). Also, let's not forget the extremely low energy items (fries and a soft drink) that generally accompany a burger. If you were feeling low energy already, a meal such as this could have pushed you further down the energy scale and allowed you to develop your congestion symptoms.

Also, as we age our internal systems can develop low and high energy issues independently of each other as a result of long term abuse. For example and using your scenario above, the meat in a burger can give your mind and gut high energy symptoms (low patience, and anger; and dark stools, and constipation respectively) and the other ingredients can cause your lungs and sinuses to exhibit the low energy symptoms as you described. Each food ingredient has a particular internal system or organ that it affects due to its energetic vibrational quality meshing with that system, and will burrow through any overall energy affect you are trying to accomplish if those systems are already compromised.

If you want to see how meat will help or hinder your systems and organs, just eat meat without anything else. This will give you a much clearer picture of the results of your efforts to adjust yourself through diet.

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