
Sunday, May 28, 2017

Symptoms - Nature's Early Warning System

Common everyday negative health symptoms can alert us to the probability of life threatening health problems in our future. We can avoid these deadly health issues if we learn how to recognize the early warnings and make adjustments to our energy intake in a timely manner.

High energy symptoms such as unpleasant body odor, arthritis, indigestion, headaches, acne, warts, constipation, bad gas, bad breath, high blood pressure, low patience, anger, violence, and rage, can be the precursors for some types of heart and lung disease, kidney failure, hemorrhoids, gout, IBS, ulcers, measles, prostate problems, and many forms of cancer.

Low energy symptoms such as infections, earaches, runny nose, diarrhea, joint weakness, hair loss, low libido, tiring easily, getting sick easily, poor eyesight, allergies, weak fingernails, lack of motivation, depression, and fear can lead to an enlarged heart, diabetes, incontinence, hepatitis, AIDS, ED, STD, liver failure, and some types of cancer.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Couch Potato

Don’t feel like doing anything? Can’t get going with any projects on your days off or after work like you used to? It’s all about energy. When your energy levels are too low you naturally don’t feel like doing anything but vegging out; watching TV, the computer, or the phone. When you allow your energy to build up and stop all the dissipating consumption and activities, you will naturally reach a point where enthusiasm for new projects, hobbies, and chores will return as a side effect of having an abundance of energy. As long as you eat energy draining foods (sweets, fruits, highly processed, chemical additive laced), use energy dissipating substances (drugs, alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, caffeine, etc.), expose yourself to harmful substances in your living environment (paint, plastics, exhaust fumes, petro chemicals, etc.) and engage excessively in energy draining activities (sex), you will be stuck in that semi-depressed existence of just enough energy to survive your day-to-day life, but not really enjoy it. 

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Food's Energy Content As Medicine

We can adjust our energy level (and as a result, our physical and mental state) by consuming or abstaining from certain foods. For example, headaches, anxiety, tension, nose bleeds, high stress, sleeplessness, gout, hemorrhoids, and prostate related urinary issues, can be eliminated by eating more low energy foods and reducing our intake of high energy foods. If we normally eat a lot of animal products and we suffer from any of these symptoms, we can try eating more vegetables and fruits, and cut back on the animal products until the symptoms go away. Then we can try eating animal products again and see where our threshold is (what quantity or type of animal product creates the symptom).

The concept is that all foods will do one of three things: build our energy up, sustain our energy, or lower our energy. By adjusting our energy level by eating foods for their effect on our energy level, we can eliminate uncomfortable physical and mental symptoms.

In order to make a decision about what foods to use to adjust our energy, it would be helpful to know which ones create more energy and which ones create less energy. Below are some common foods (and a few recreational substances) listed from the highest to lowest energy generators, energy sustainers, on down to the energy reducers: red meat, pork, fowl, fish, eggs, cheese, milk, wheat, whole wheat flour, white flour, oats, rice, corn (dry corn products-corn meal, flour, etc.), soy products (tofu, soy-milk, soybeans), lentils, split peas, beans (dry beans-pintos, lima, black, red, etc), seeds (sesame, flax, chia, poppy, etc.), nuts-raw, fresh corn, cabbage (broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cauliflower), celery, carrots, green beans, squash, asparagus, artichoke, avocado, potato, yam, water, peppers, apples, pears, lemon, grapefruit, oranges, grapes, pineapple, banana, fruit juices, dried fruit (dates, raisins, prunes, etc.), tobacco, caffeine, malt syrup, rice syrup, concentrated fruit juice, maple syrup, honey, alcohol, artificial sweeteners, fructose, beet sugar, cane sugar, recreational drugs.