
Friday, February 23, 2018

Energy: The Overlooked Human Commodity

Physicists seek to explain the universe through a unified field theory by observing the attributes of the smallest particle of energy. This is theoretically possible because everything is made of energy; our food, clothing, computers, galaxies…even we are made of energy.

Energy doesn’t ever get used up completely. It gets traded around, passed off from one thing to another infinitely. We expend our personal energy at work and get paid with money (which represents the energy we expended) and trade that money for items others have used their energy to produce (food, clothing, fuel, etc.).

Energy is used to build things which results in a static or stored energy state (our physical bodies, plants, wood, oil). Energy also exists in various dynamic energy forms, such as wave energy, particle energy, and forms that resemble both wave and particle. We don’t really understand just what energy is, but we observe its effects and how it acts, and can harness it for our own purposes based on these observations. Living things use its DNA pattern to create a life form out of the energy it consumes and absorbs. Even what we call inanimate objects of mineral composition, use a matrix pattern unique to its form to do the same thing.

The various types of dynamic energy affect us in different ways, positively and negatively. Sunlight has a mostly positive effect, whereas gamma ray radiation is mostly negative. We have created various devices to sense, measure, and set safe limits on the many forms of dynamic energy we are subjected to. A Geiger counter can tell us how many units of radiation are present. We know that X units of radiation is dangerous to our health because we have observed the damage caused by exposure to X. We know in the presence of X, Y happens.

Food energy is the same. We can burn food (outside the body) and measure how much that released energy will raise water temperature (units known as calories). This provides some relative measurement of the food’s energy when comparing different foods but doesn’t fully describe what the food’s energy effect is inside the body. We can’t watch the energy being released inside the body from the food we eat, we can’t watch the body react to it, absorb it, or use it. We can however, observe the results of food energy effects on the body and mind.

Food’s various externally measured qualities have been shown to react differently once inside the body. High acid content citrus fruit, for example, is acidic outside the body but creates an alkaline condition once it gets inside the body. Additionally, every food has a unique effect on our stored energy level (beyond its caloric content) which affects our strength, stamina, and internal systems (organs, immune system, regenerative system, mental processes).

There is only one instrument that can measure the effects of food energy internally and that is the human body through its senses and physiological reactions. The body can be seen as one big complex device that will indicate food related energy levels. With a little calibration through experimentation, attention to detail, and experience over time, we can learn to use this aspect of the body to our great benefit.

Just as too much radiation or sunlight can cause physical damage, so too can too much food energy harm us. Just as not enough sunlight can cause ill effects, so too can too little food energy. We can train ourselves to use our senses and observe that in the presence of X food, Y happens to our body, and take steps to correct the issue by removing, reducing, or increasing X.

All the little nagging minor health symptoms, many chronic symptoms, and even disease, can be a result of too high or too low food energy. Our immune and regenerative systems, the two main pillars of our health, are largely controlled by the energy we consume. They do not function properly without the right level of energy.

Consequently, we can explore and explain the universe of our body through the observation and manipulation of the energy we subject it to.

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